Blue Skies and Dimes

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“How can you frighten a man whose hunger is not only in his own cramped stomach but in the wretched bellies of his children? You can’t scare him–he has known a fear beyond every other.” – John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath, Chapter 19

What do you think Steinbeck is saying in this quote?  I think Steinbeck is saying _________.

What is the fear Steinbeck is talking about?  The fear he is talking about is __________.

                     The 20's and the 30's Song Analysis:
Image result for 1930 musicImage result for roaring 20's 

Today we are going to compare 2 time periods by comparing the lyrics of 2 different songs.

First, we will read and analyze 2 different songs and answer the questions on our worksheet then we will discuss. Make sure you use a specific lyric to support your answers.

Now we will listen to the songs. Please follow along with the lyrics. Answer the questions on the back of the sheet. Discuss.
Image result for blue skies song
Image result for brother can you spare a dime

1920's and 1930's Album Cover Project
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Do you think music and/or stories tell us a lot about the times they are made? Why or why not?  Yes/no they tell us about the times because _________________________.

What is one song or story you think tells us a lot about America in 2016?  Why?  I think ____________ tells us a lot about America in 2016 because ______________.


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