Reconstruction in America

Image result for the fifteenth amendment

"The Fifteenth Amendment Celebrated."  May 19th, 1870

Look at the Lithograph copy on your tables.  Work together to answer the questions:

1)  What do the pictures represent?  The pictures represent _____________________.

2)  Are the pictures representing a positive or negative society?  How so?  The pictures are ___________  because _________________.

3)  What are the subjects/themes portrayed in the images?

Image result for america after the civil war

America's History in the Making Video

A Visit from the Old Mistress. 1876. dup of 2131

As we watch the video, answer the questions.  If you don't finish, get with a partner and try and finish by the end of class.  If not, please finish for homework.

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What is one challenge the US faced during Reconstruction?

Was Reconstruction an opportunity or a burden for the country in your opinion?  Why?


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