
1950's Overview

Image What are three things you did not know about? What two things would you like to learn more things about? Summarize what you think is going on in America in the 1950s?

New Deal Murals

Image Go to the Website and Explore. What are three things details you noticed?  I noticed _________________________________. What are two things that surprised you?  I was surprised by ______________________________. What is your overall impression of the New Deal Murals?  My overall impression is ___________. Finishing our Murals Project!  How does your panel look?  Do you have a finished placard?  Is there anything missing from your representation?  Do you have a Works Cited?  Do all the murals fit together?

Intro to Westward Expansion

  What is this Westward Expansion and its impact on America?!?  Go to  Padlet  and write down what you see, what you think, and what you wonder about the images. Let's explore some more.   Go to EdPuzzle  and See How we do!

Frederick Douglass on Reconstruction

  "No republic is safe that tolerates a privileged class, or denies to any of its citizens equal rights and equal means to maintain them." By  Frederick Douglass What is Douglass' meaning about "tolerating a privileged class"? How could society deny equal rights to citizens if they are being maintained? Why does Douglass refer to all citizens and not specifically to freedmen?

America in WW1

    Which of these images is propaganda?  Why do you think that? How do these images appeal to American Nationalism?   Work with your Groups to Read and Annotate Your Articles and answer the questions.  Fill out your Gist Sheet. Work together to piece together a timeline of American Involvement.  Together write a newspaper article summarizing the American position in regard to World War 1 at that time. Why did America not get involved at first? What other ways did America get involved? What attempts were made to dissuade America from getting involved? When we got involved what was our influence? What happened when the war ended? What did Wilson want from the  Treaty of Versailles?   Even though Wilson's Vision "failed" what was the long-term significance of "The Fourteen Points" plan?

"A Day That Will Live in Infamy"

  "A Day That Will Live in Infamy" What did Roosevelt mean by a "a day that will live in infamy"?    He meant _______________. What was the speech in response to?   The speech was a response to ____________________. EXCERPT      What an uproar! Japan’s Imperial Forces got things off to a quick start with one splendid strike then another in historic surprise attacks on Pearl Harbor, where the bravado of the US Asia fleet met with sudden defeat, and off the Malaya Coast, where the main forces of the British Asia fleet were utterly annihilated. Word has it that Roosevelt and Churchill were shaken up and went pale upon hearing of the defeats. In a third strike, Hong Kong Island, England’s strategic base for its 100-year exploitation of East Asia, fell into ruin in only a matter of ten days. During this time, Churchill was sent reeling, cutting off contact with others and

More Inventions, More Money

Image What happened prior to industrialization America (in regards to goods and manufacturing)?  Why did Railroads lead to mass production? How much land did the government provide to the Railroads? How many other transcontinental railroads formed? Why was steel so important? What was the importance of Coal and Oil? Where were we communicating to? Continue Your Inventions Research

Boss Tweed

Image What was NY like? What was Tweed's background? What was Tammany Hall?   What % were German and Irish Immigrants? What was the Tweed charter? What was the Tweed Ring? How much land did he own? Why was he arrested? What was his precedent? How was Tweed involved with immigrant populations? The rest of class will be time to continue work on and hopefully finish your Family Trees project.  Remember the key question:  How does my family's immigration journey capture what it is to be an American?